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Audrey II - $25

Mini Godzilla - $6

Godzillas - $15 each

Jawas - $12 each

Chewbacca - $12

Bantha - $15

Gimli - $12

Gandalf - $12

Yours Truely & The Real Gimli
Sci-Fi Valley Con 2016 - Best Con Moment EVER! Sitting on John Rhys-Davies Lap for a photo!! And he now has one of my Kodamas :)

Slurms McKenzie - $10

Hypnotoad - $10

Demogorgan - $15

Cthulhu - $5

Cool'thulhu - $5

Svengoolie - $10

Fairy House - $15

Fairy House - $15

Fairy House - $15

"Robbie the Robot" - $12

The Robot "Lost in Space" - $12

"Gort" Day 'Earth Stood Still - $12

Great Wizard - $20

Great Wizard - $20

Great Wisard - $20

Sea Serpent - $10

Sea Serpent - $15

Sea Serpent - $15

Domo Frankenstein Couple - $20

Mermaid - $10

Beholder - $8
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